
Enthusiasm Biogeography-Biodiversity Informatics-Data Sciences


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由美国亚利桑那州立大学大学的Quentin D. Wheeler教授主笔的新书-The new taxonomy出版了。以下书对全书内容的介绍:

Initiatives reinventing taxonomy for the Internet generation are leading to a dramatic resurgence in this once declining discipline. Looking at the effort of several groups, especially the Global Bioinformation Diversity Facility, to catalog the world's biodiversity and make it accessible via databases, this work discusses the future of descriptive taxonomy.

The book covers such technology as DNA barcoding and its applications, computer-assisted species identification, digital morphology, and E-typification. It also provides insight into effective ways of organizing taxonomic information, and discusses what benefits can be leveraged from a rapid growth of taxonomic knowledge.
