All Types & Geospatial
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/Biomapper-moyen.gif" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/67">Biomapper. A GIS-toolkit to model ecological niche and habitat suitability </a><span class="reviewed_when">Wed, 10/17/2007 - 09:50</span></h2>
Biomapperis a kit of GIS and statistical tools designed to build habitat suitability models and maps for any kind of animal or plant. It is centred on the Ecological Niche Factor Analysisthat allows to compute models without the need of absence data.
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/Music-icon.jpg" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/64">CLIMEX </a><span class="reviewed_when">Thu, 10/18/2007 - 13:01</span></h2>
A commercial package that enables to asses the risk of pest establishing in a new location and the potential success or failure of a biological control agent from the current locations.
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/Music-icon.jpg" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/56">deegree - Free Software for Spatial Data Infrastructures vdeegree 2.1-pre (recommended)</a> <span class="reviewed_when">Mon, 11/24/2008 - 13:23</span></h2>
deegree is a Java Framework offering the main building blocks for Spatial Data Infrastructures. Its entire architecture is developed using standards of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC).
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/Music-icon.jpg" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/49">DesktopGARP v1.1.6</a> <span class="reviewed_when">Wed, 10/17/2007 - 10:00</span></h2>
DesktopGarp is a software package for biodiversity and ecologic research that allows the user to predict and analyze species distributions. GARP tries, interactively, to find non-random correlations between the presence and absence of the species and the values of the environmental parameters, using several types of rules. Each rule type implements a different method for building species prediction models. GARP as input takes enivonmental data and species occurrence localities. It generates random absence data.
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/logo.jpg" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/23">DIVA-GIS v6.0</a> <span class="reviewed_when">Mon, 11/24/2008 - 13:29</span></h2>
DIVA-GIS is a free and open source geographic information system (GIS) to make maps of species distribution data and analyze these data. DIVA-GIS was specifically developed at <span class="nobr"><a rel="nofollow" href="">CIP<sup><img class="rendericon" src="" border="0" alt="" width="7" height="7" align="absMiddle" /></sup></a></span> for use with genebank data such as available through national or international genebank documentation systems and <span class="nobr"><a rel="nofollow" href="">SINGER<sup><img class="rendericon" src="" border="0" alt="" width="7" height="7" align="absMiddle" /></sup></a></span>. It consists many useful tools such as Grid Calculator (multiplying, adding rasters), Neighbourhood ( changing raster resolution) and Georeference Image. DIVA-GIS also has an Ecological Niche Modeling tool which can be used to predictive modeling ( it uses Bioclim and Domain algorithms). From DIVA-GIS desktop one can directly connect to DIVA-GIS Free GIS Data site and download climate grids, DEM, sattelite images or country level data.
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/Music-icon.jpg" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/68">DIVA-GIS Annapurna </a><span class="reviewed_when">Wed, 10/17/2007 - 10:01</span></h2>
Another version of the same DIVA-GIS programme.
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/ecosim2.gif" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/81">EcoSim. Null model software for ecologists </a><span class="reviewed_when">Wed, 10/17/2007 - 10:04</span></h2>
EcoSim allows you to test for community patterns with non-experimental data performing Monte Carlo randomizations to create “pseudo-communities”, then statistically compares the patterns in these randomized communities with those in the real data matrix.
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/EstimateSHeader.jpg" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/84">EstimateS. Statistical estimation of species richness and shared species from samples </a><span class="reviewed_when">Wed, 10/17/2007 - 10:07</span></h2>
EstimateS is a free software application for Windows and Macintosh operating systems that computes a variety of biodiversity functions, estimators, and indices based on biotic sampling data. Some features require species relative abundance data, others only species presence/absence data.
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/Music-icon.jpg" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/65">FloraMap </a><span class="reviewed_when">Wed, 10/17/2007 - 10:09</span></h2>
FloraMap is a software linked to agroclimatic and other databases able to showing the most likely distribution of wild species in nature.
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/gbif_05.jpg" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/79">GBIF MAPA </a><span class="reviewed_when">Wed, 10/17/2007 - 10:14</span></h2>
A GBIF demonstration project which allows users to query the GBIF cache using names obtained through the Catalogue of life and to map and analyse the resultant record set. The Survey Gap Analysis (SGA) tool helps to design a biodiversity survey that will best complement the existing survey effort by identifying those areas least well surveyed in terms of environmental conditions. The Species Richness Assessment (SRA) tool provide an estimate of the number of species in an area; and to gain insight into the adequacy of sampling based on abundance distributions for those species.
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/Music-icon.jpg" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/76">GeoDa. An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis </a><span class="reviewed_when">Thu, 10/18/2007 - 13:02</span></h2>
GeoDa is the latest incarnation in a long line of software tools designed to implement techniques for exploratory spatial data analysis on lattice data (points and polygons). The free program provides a user friendly and graphical interface to methods of descriptive spatial data analysis, such as spatial autocorrelation statistics, as well as basic spatial regression functionality.
<h2 class="software_title"><img class="icon" src="/bast_files/softwareTracker/logomuseo.gif" alt="" width="28" height="30" /><a href="/node/54">GIS data downloads </a><span class="reviewed_when">Mon, 11/24/2008 - 13:28</span></h2>
<span style="font-size: small; font-family: Arial"><font size="2">Download of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data layers.</font></span>
<span style="font-size: small; font-family: Arial"><font size="2">Free GIS layers from different sources, in Idrisi and Shape formats, etc<p class='post-footer'>
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written by <a href=''>Hooker</a>
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