
Enthusiasm Biogeography-Biodiversity Informatics-Data Sciences


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We live in a world blessed with sights that are beautiful beyond words. Every human being dreams of and possesses a desire to visit those places in their lifetime. Living in modern cities with high-rise buildings, we tend to miss out on what mother-nature has to offer and some of the man-made structures par excellence.

Look at these places and you will see beauty that fills the eye and warms the heart. It is not only inappropriate to just pick a few places from the huge expanse of the world but also humanly impossible.

They say that ‘beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder,’ and there are perhaps other places that have touched your heart. For this reason, we do not claim that these places we are bringing to you are the best, but they are certainly among the most beautiful places of the world.

1、美国 大峡谷 

The Grand Canyon, United States

The Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon

A steep gorge by the Colorado River, Arizona in United States, this has the most enjoyable scenery. It is 277 miles in length, 4 to 18 miles in width and about a mile in depth. Scientists are of the opinion that the canyon has been created by the Colorado River over a six million year period.

The Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon Overlook


Native Americans built settlements in the caves within the canyon before the emigration of Europeans. It was also considered to be a site of pilgrimage by the Pueblo people. The first recorded visit to the Grand Canyon by the Europeans was in 1869. Although, it is not the deepest canyon in the world, it is known for its extremely huge size and beautifully intricate landscape. The Grand Canyon National Park is said to be one of the first National Parks in the United States and attracts more than five million visitors a year. Weather conditions in the Grand Canyon vary a great deal between seasons as well as elevation. While winter snow is experienced by the higher elevated forested rims, the inner gorge has a desert temperature because of the low elevation.

 2、澳大利亚 大堡礁 

The Great Barrier Reef, Australia

One of the natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef off the east coast of Australia is the world’s largest coral reef. It has the distinction of being placed in the World Heritage as well as the National Heritage lists.

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

With more than 600 islands and coral cays, the reef covers more than 300,000 sq. km. Corals make up the several reefs and cays and are responsible for a huge variety of sea life in the reef; including green turtles, several varieties of whales and dolphins, dugong, about 4000 types of mollusk, 1500 different species of fish as well as a beautiful colored bird life with 200 species. The Great Reef Marine Park is a huge tourist attraction with more than a couple of million tourists visiting the area each year. Sporting includes activities such as reef sailing, scuba diving and snorkeling amongst several others.

 3、南非 开普敦 

Cape Town, South Africa

Aptly called “heaven on earth,” this beautiful town at the tip of the African continent, with small roads surrounded by huge mountains, makes a person feel small; showing how marvelous and dominating nature can actually be.

Cape Town at Night

Cape Town

Cape Town

The Cape Dutch style buildings depict the architectural heritage of the place. Beauty abounds in the black clouds that seem to pay homage to Table Mountain at all times. Cape Point, Signal Hill, Chapman’s Peak Drive, Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, Robben Island, Rhodes Memorial and the beaches are some of the famous tourist attractions. Located on the shore of Table Bay, Cape Town is famous for its natural floral kingdom as well as its harbor. This town is one of the most popular tourist attractions of South Africa, with its wine tasting day trips, whale watching and dolphin watching.

4、印度 泰姬陵

Taj Mahal, India

The Taj Mahal in India is one of the wonders of the world and is one of the most beautiful mausoleums constructed by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite queen, Mumtaz Mahal. Located in Agra, white marble is used in the creation of this symbol of love and is considered to be the pinnacle of the famous Mughal architecture.

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Taj Mahal

Story goes that the emperor was grief stricken when he lost his beloved third wife, Mumtaz Mahal. It took several thousands of craftsmen, artisans and about twenty years to construct it. The masons, stonecutters, carvers, inlayers, calligraphers, painters and others were brought from the entire empire as well as from Iran and Central Asia. Semi-precious stones were used for inlay ornamentation. It later became the mausoleum of Shah Jahan too. This is a huge tourist attraction with one to two million tourists visiting it every year.

 5、加拿大 落基山脉

Canadian Rockies, Canada

The majestic Canadian Rockies are the Canadian segment of the North American Rocky mountains. They are a visitor’s wonderland and the playground for western Canada. They are older than the American

   original link:
   <a href='http://Apiaceae.github.io/blog/2009/04/08/%E5%8D%81%E4%B8%AA%E8%A2%AB%E8%AA%89%E4%B8%BA%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E6%9C%80%E7%BE%8E%E7%9A%84%E5%9C%B0%E6%96%B9/'>http://Apiaceae.github.io/blog/2009/04/08/%E5%8D%81%E4%B8%AA%E8%A2%AB%E8%AA%89%E4%B8%BA%E4%B8%96%E7%95%8C%E6%9C%80%E7%BE%8E%E7%9A%84%E5%9C%B0%E6%96%B9/</a><br/>
   &nbsp;written by <a href='http://Apiaceae.github.io'>Hooker</a>
   &nbsp;posted at <a href='http://Apiaceae.github.io'>http://Apiaceae.github.io</a>

什么是α-分类学-Alpha Taxonomy

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α-分类学(或者简单的说:分类学)是发现、描述和对有机体进行分门别类的科学,它的研究结果就是分类群taxa (singular: taxon) 的提出和认可,并且给这些分类群按照科学的方法进行命名named.

按照传统的林奈分类 Linnaean taxonomy,分类群有七个主要的等级:界Kingdom门Phylumor Division,纲Class, 目Order科Family属Genus种 Species. α-分类学主要关注种水平上的分类,然后把这些种归类到相应的属、科等等。


  • In today's usage, Taxonomy (as a science) deals with finding, describing and naming organisms. This science is supported by institutions holding collections of these organisms, with relevant data, carefully curated: such institutes include Natural History Museums, Herbaria and Botanical Gardens.
  • Systematics (as a science) deals with the relationships between taxa, especially at the higher levels. These days systematics is greatly influenced by data derived from DNA from nuclei, mitochondria and chloroplasts. This is sometimes known as molecular systematics which is becoming increasingly more common, perhaps at the expense of traditional taxonomy (Wheeler, 2004).


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Information about organisms is often linked to a name.

This can create problems in information retrieval because:

• One taxon can have many names.

• The same name can refer to many taxa.

uBio is working on tools for providers of biological information that address these problems.

The uBio Taxonomic Name Server acts as a name thesaurus.

Names have many different classes of relationships that can be used to organize and retrieve information that is annotated with names. These classes are divided into two inter-connected services.

NameBank is a repository of millions of recorded biological names and facts that link those names together. [more]

ClassificationBank stores multiple classifications and taxonomic concepts that are the result of expert opinions. It extends the functionality of NameBank. [more]

All data within these components are linked to mechanisms that provide credit and attribution to experts who provide name and linkage information within the TNS. [more]

Lastly, NameBank promotes the emergence of a layered biological informatics infrastructure that allows different expert systems to share common information. This conserves scarce resources and enhances the means to support continued expert work. [more]


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There is an interesting and short editorial in this weeks Nature about the closure of Google Research Datasets (formally part of Googles Palimpsest project which I learnt about in SciFoo2007 and later in SciFoo2008). Despite the collapse, Amazon is getting into the business of hosting large research data sets for free, which (according to Nature) should inspire greater use of its S3 cloud computing network. For those who can't access Nature you don't need to read their editorial as their tag line says it all:

"Initiatives for digital research infrastructure should focus more on making standardized data openly available, and less on developing new portals."

This is a salient lesson for biodiversity initiatives such as EDIT, EOL, and (less so) BHL. Set free the data and stop building data silos.


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The first biogeographical map

The first biogeographical map was published in the third edition of the Flore franc竌ise by Lamarck and Candolle in 1805, the same year in which Humboldt’s famous Essai sur la Geographie appeared. Lamarck and Candolle’s map marks the beginning of a deive or classificatory biogeography focusing on the study of biota rather than on the distributional pathways of taxa. The map is relevant because it heralds the beginning of the creation of biogeographical maps popularized by zoogeographers in the mid- to late nineteenth century together with the study of biogeographical regions.

see more details on Journal of Biogeography


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  创造性思维是多种思维方式的有机结合 ,而不同的思维方式既互为排斥又互相补充,也就是对立统一的关系,因而,可以说创造性思维本质上就是各种不同的思维方式的对立统一。
  抽象思维是舍弃非本质属性,抽取出事物本质属性的思维过程,形象思维是凭借事物的具体形象和表象的联想 、想象来进行思维的活动。形象思维在创造性思维活动中所起的作用在于创造想象参与思维过程,使思维活动能够结合以往的经验,在想象中形成创造性的新形象,提出新的假设,创造想象参与思维过程是创造活动顺利开展的关键。

  ① 设疑发散,多思善问

   original link:
   <a href='http://Apiaceae.github.io/blog/2009/03/31/%E5%88%9B%E9%80%A0%E6%80%A7%E6%80%9D%E7%BB%B4%E8%83%BD%E5%8A%9B%E5%8F%8A%E5%85%B6%E5%9F%B9%E5%85%BB/'>http://Apiaceae.github.io/blog/2009/03/31/%E5%88%9B%E9%80%A0%E6%80%A7%E6%80%9D%E7%BB%B4%E8%83%BD%E5%8A%9B%E5%8F%8A%E5%85%B6%E5%9F%B9%E5%85%BB/</a><br/>
   &nbsp;written by <a href='http://Apiaceae.github.io'>Hooker</a>
   &nbsp;posted at <a href='http://Apiaceae.github.io'>http://Apiaceae.github.io</a>


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The Parsley Family includes some wonderful edible plants like the carrot and parsnip, plus more aromatic spices found in your spice cabinet, such as anise, celery, chervil, coriander, caraway, cumin, dill, fennel and of course, parsley. But unlike the Mustard or Mint families, the Parsleys are not all safe for picking and eating. In fact, the Parsley family is among the most important families of plants to learn, since it includes the deadliest plants in North America: poison hemlock and water hemlock. Note that the hemlock tree is totally unrelated.

For identification, the most distinctive pattern of the Parsley family is the "compound umbels". Notice how all the stems of the flower cluster radiate from a single point at the end of the stalk, kind of like an umbrella. At the end of each of these flower stems there is another umbrella of even smaller stems, hence the "compound umbrella" or "compound umbel". To be a true umbel, the stems or spokes must all radiate from exactly the same point. Other flowers like the common yarrow may appear to have compound umbels, but look closer and you will see that the flower stems are staggered off the main stalk, so the yarrow is not a member of this family. Another pattern of the Parsley family is that the stems are usually, but not always hollow. Kids have been poisoned using hemlock stems for straws.

When you recognize the compound umbels of the Parsley family then you know you have to be careful. You must be 100% certain of what these plants are before you harvest them for food or medicine. More than that, you must be right! People die just about every year thinking they have discovered some kind of wild carrot.

So how do you distinguish the poisonous members of the family? Don't rush it. You might think that learning plants is just a matter of filling up the disk space in your head with data, but there is a bit more to it than that. No matter what you study, whether it is plant identification, art, or math, you learn by connecting neurons in the brain to build a neural network for processing the information. Getting started is the most dangerous time, because all the plants tend to look alike– kind of green mostly. Just practice pointing out compound umbels everywhere you go, starting with the dill or fennel in the garden. The more you practice this and other family patterns, the more you will learn to see just how unique and different each plant is.

When you are proficient at recognizing the major plant families, then go back and start studying more of the individual plants. Even then, avoid rushing to conclusions. Keep in mind that when your goal is to find an answer, then you will find one, whether it is right or not.

If you are positive that you have identified a member of the Parsley family correctly, that's good. Now wait and see if you are still sure of your answer in a few days or a week. When you get good at recognizing certain species every time you see them, then you might consider trying out their appropriate edible or medicinal uses. Worldwide there are about 300 genera in the Parsley family, representing more than 3000 species. About 75 genera are native to North America.