
Enthusiasm Biogeography-Biodiversity Informatics-Data Sciences


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BioGeomancer Worldwide collaboration of natural history and geospatial data experts

ENBI European Network for Biodiversity Information, Jan. 2003 – Dec. 2005

ENHSIN European Natural History Spcecimen Information Network, Jan. 2000 – March 2003

EuroBioBank European network of DNA, cell and tissue banks for rare diseases

GBIF European Mirror Mirroring and replication of GBIF data services at the BGBM

GBIF The Global Biodiversity Information Facility

Géant2 the next generation of the multi-gigabit pan-European research network

IPGRI the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute

Ravns Resources Available in Natural Sciences

Seek The Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge

Species2000 europa (EuroCat, Feb. 2003 – Jan.. 2006)

Species2000 Catalogue of Life Programme


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The Basics of Biodiversity Informatics

Biodiversity informatics, an emerging field, is the study of information related to the science of biodiversity and linking this information with other databases that may be geospatial, biological, and non-biological. Biodiversity informatics can refer to the creation of information related to biological diversity, as well as the analysis and understanding of this information. Information management tools are used in biodiversity informatics to manage all data. Biodiversity informatics databases may include information relating to an organism or organism related information such as distribution, conservation data, natural history, and molecular information. The goal of biodiversity informatics is to capture information related to biodiversity, and to analyze, provide, and store this data.

Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is the variation of lifeforms, including flora and fauna, on the planet. Biodiversity can be examined within a specific ecological region or biome. An important aspect of biodiversity informatics is to synthesize and improve protective measures that will improve or safeguard the biodiversity of a region.

The University of Michigan describes biodiversity informatics, or BDI, as an emerging interdisciplinary science that uses information technology tools to make information about biodiversity and ecosystems available for scientific researchers and for society in general. Biodiversity informatics can be seen as driven by a combination of factors, including the issue of biodiversity and ecosystems, the data and organization of data, and the tools and methods used to understand the data.

Biodiversity informatics is often at the organism level, focusing on individual organisms and populations, but may also be at the molecular level. The Human Genome Project is a famous example of a biodiversity informatics research project. This project works at the molecular level and provides information that may be shared and used across a number of disciplines. Biodiversity informatics is relevant and useful to many fields, including behavioral sciences, evolutionary biology, population biology, molecular biology, and others. Standards have been created and are still being developed for the formal exchange of biodiversity informatics data across the world and protocols for methods of data integration and management.

Biodiversity Informatics Resources That You Can Use

The following resources are web sites that include databases of biodiversity informatics terms, journal articles, and information on advances in the field of biodiversity informatics.

http://jbi.nhm.ku.edu/index.php/jbi. This link takes you to an electronic journal that focuses on the field of biodiversity informatics. Issues of the journal can be browsed going back to the year 2003, and you can search by author, title, or issue number.

http://circa.gbif.net (PDF) Here is an article titled Biodiversity Informatics: The Challenge of Rapid Development, Large Databases, and Complex Data.

http://www.calacademy.org This article gives a thorough overview of biodiversity informatics, focusing on taxonomy information. A number of links to resources and biodiversity informatics projects is also provided.

http://www.findarticles.com This article provides a comparison of biodiversity informatics and neuroinformatics.

http://www.nscalliance.org/bioinformatics/glossary.asp This web site provides a glossary of terms related to biodiversity informatics. This is a great resource to familiarize yourself with the field of biodiversity informatics, or to clear up some confusion with a term or acronym you may have encountered in relation to biodiversity informatics. For example, at this web site you can discover that BCIS refers to the Biodiversity Conservation Information System, a global partnership of conservation organizations that use Internet technology to provide access to the most current knowledge about biodiversity.

http://specifysoftware.org/Informatics. This link will take you to the Biodiversity Information Center Informatics with the University of Kansas Natural History Museum , where you can learn projects that link some of the world's natural history collections into virtual databases.

This emerging field is that will certainly be something that becomes more intriguing and applicable in the future.



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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Schema;

public partial class Default4 : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string xmlFilePath = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + @"App_Data\Authors.xml";
        XmlDocument xmlAuthors = new XmlDocument();
        Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
            xmlAuthors.PreserveWhitespace = true;
        catch (XmlException xmlEx)
            Response.Write("XML文件处理错误:" + xmlEx.Message);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Response.Write("Exception:" + ex.Message);



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The Regulator

   The Regulator能够使生成和测试正则表达式变得很容易,它允许你输入一个正则表达式以及一些针对其运行该表达式的输入。这样,在应用程序中实现该正则表达式之前,你便可以了解它将产生什么效果以及它将返回哪些种类的匹配项。另外它还提供了正则表达式库管理功能,在线更新正则表达式库,可以在RegexLib.com上搜索需要的正则表达式,如下图所示:



    随着在.NET Framework 3.5中对于LINQ的支持,越来越多的开发者在开发中使用了LINQ to SQL,但是编写LINQ to SQL查询似乎又成了一件很麻烦的事情,好在我们还有LINQPad这个工具,用来编写LINQ查询,不仅仅是LINQ to SQL,同时它也支持LINQ to XML、LINQ to Objects,另外LINQPad是完全免费的且无需安装,只要下载它的可执行文件就可以了。官方主页:http://www.linqpad.net/


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亚利桑那大学的生物多样性信息小组最近得到美国BIO5 Institute项目的支持。开发了基于物种、标本数据的搜索引擎和作图工具。

The Biodiversity Informatics Initiative is aimed at developing informatics infrastructure centered on the UA’s outstanding natural history collections, which house hundreds of thousands of biological specimens from around the southwest US and Mexico. By establishing a common underlying database architecture for all collections, setting up linkages to external resources, and providing for public access to all its products, the initiative aims to foster research in broad areas of biological sciences, ranging from systematics, ecology and global change biology, to comparative genomics and molecular biology.

Currently, our search engine and mapping tools provide access to specimens representing nearly 18,000 species of plants and vertebrates.

We are also developing tools to map Arizona’s biodiversity hotspots. For a preliminary view of plant species richness in the state, see ‘Summarized diversity maps’ on the Diversity Mapper page.

The Initiative is funded by the UA’s Bio5 Institute, College of Science, and College of Agriculture and Life Science.


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1. 使用较少的HTTP请求

2. 合并文件:尽量将所有的脚本文件或者是CSS样式表文件合并到一个文件

3. 将网页背景图片尽量合并为一张图片文件

4. 使用CSS的’背景图’片和’图片位置属性’(CSS background-image and background-position)进行设置

5. 文件的大小: 减少文件数量, 对文件进行压缩, 将CSS文件放置在文件顶部,JS文件放在底部

详细的检查网页效率和方法参考: css聊吧


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通过用户界面进行分页,优点是容易设置,缺点是当数据量大时执行效率较低; 实现方法:

对GridView控件使用正确的数据源,比如:DataSet, Collection, DataTable或者DataView,但不能使用DataReader 在页面设置GridView控件分分页属性为True。AllowPaging=“True”

通过设置ObjectDataSource的分页,优点是数据量大时执行效率较高,特别是如果配合Caching能极大的提高以数据驱动为主的网络应用程序的效率。 ObjectDataSource数据源的分页可以在类Class, 存储过程, LINQ to SQL查询中实现,下面以LINQ to SQL,Northwind数据库的Product表为例子来说明用法:


1、新建网页,添加LINQ to SQL Class,命名为Products,在Server Exploer中拖拽Northwind数据库的Product表到设计界面。





‘’‘ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Data.Linq; using System.Web;


/// Summary description for ProductsLINQPaging /// public class ProductsLINQPaging

  public ProductsLINQPaging()
        // TODO: Add constructor logic here



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世界上有这样一些地区,它们的面积仅占地球陆地表面积的1.4%,但它们所拥有的生物物种占世界生物物种的60%。国际保护联盟已确定这些地区属于世界生物多样性的“热点地区”(Hotspot),需要得到优先保护。不止水库丰富的植物和动物的生活,不过,热点正处于高危地区已显着退化的人类。到去年底的第一个十年二十一世纪,这些极为重要的自然区,可以,但记忆。不过,根据作者生物学家罗素mittermeier ,一个相对小数额的资本,可以帮助保护相结合的面积大小的阿拉斯加和有戏剧性的效果,在保护生物多样性。一些这些热点包括热带安第斯山脉,中美洲国家的森林,东南亚和菲律宾,歌连臣角地区,南非和地中海盆地。


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由美国亚利桑那州立大学大学的Quentin D. Wheeler教授主笔的新书-The new taxonomy出版了。以下书对全书内容的介绍:

Initiatives reinventing taxonomy for the Internet generation are leading to a dramatic resurgence in this once declining discipline. Looking at the effort of several groups, especially the Global Bioinformation Diversity Facility, to catalog the world's biodiversity and make it accessible via databases, this work discusses the future of descriptive taxonomy.

The book covers such technology as DNA barcoding and its applications, computer-assisted species identification, digital morphology, and E-typification. It also provides insight into effective ways of organizing taxonomic information, and discusses what benefits can be leveraged from a rapid growth of taxonomic knowledge.