
Enthusiasm Biogeography-Biodiversity Informatics-Data Sciences


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研究趋势 (Trends in Systematic Biology)

Lubischew, A.A. 1969. Philosophical Aspects of Taxonomy. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 14:19-38.
Lauder, G.V. 1990. Functional Morphology and Systematics: Studying Functional Patterns in an Historical Context. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 21:317-340.
Disney, H. 1998. Rescue plan needed for taxonomy. Nature. 394:120.
Page, R.D.M., Charleston, M.A. 1998. Trees within trees: phylogeny and historical associations. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 13(9):356-359.
Wiens, J. J. 1999. Polymorphism in systematics and comparative biology. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics. 30:327–362.
Gee, H. 2000. Online naming of species opens digital age for taxonomy. Nature. 408(6810):278.
VanDyk, J.K. 2000. Impact of the Internet on Extension Entomology. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 45:795–802.
Zenger, J.T., Walker, T.J. 2000. Impact of the Internet on entomology teaching and research. Annu Rev Entomol. 45:747-767.
Krell, F.T. 2000. Impact factors aren't relevant to taxonomy.  Nature. 405(6786):507-508.
Garfield, E. 2001. Taxonomy is small, but it has its citation classics. Nature. 413(6852):107.
Kurt, J., Steve, C. 2001. Taxonomy and the blues. Nature. 409:664-665.
Alroy, J. 2002. How many named species are valid?. National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 99(6):3706-3711
Bisby, F.A., Shimura, J., Ruggiero, M., Edwards, J., Haeuser, C. 2002. Taxonomy, at the click of a mouse. Nature. 418:367
Bonnet, X., Shine, R., Lourdais, O. 2002. Taxonomic chauvinism. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 17(1):1-3.
Bryant, H.N., Cantino, P.D. 2002. A review of criticisms of phylogenetic nomenclature: is taxonomic freedom the fundamental issue?. Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 77(1):39-55.
Buckley, T.R. 2002. A statistical future for morphological phylogenetics?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 17(4):161.
Gewin, V. 2002. All living things, online. Nature. 418(6896):362-363.
Godfray, H.C. 2002. Challenges for taxonomy. Nature. 417:17-19.
Krell, F.T. 2002. Why impact factors don't work for taxonomy. Nature.  415:957.
Mayr, E., Bock, W. J. 2002. Classifications and other ordering systems. Journal of Zoological Systematics & Evolutionary Research. 40(4):169-194.
Noor, M.A.F. 2002.  Is the biological species concept showing its age?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 17(4):153-154.
Krell, F.T. 2002. Why impact factors don't work for taxonomy. Nature. 415:957.
Grant, T., Faivovich, J., Pol, D. 2003. The perils of 'point-and-click' systematics. Cladistics. 19(3):276-285.
Kocher, T.D. 2003. Fractious phylogenies. Nature. 423:489-491.
Lipscomb, D., Platnick, N., Wheeler, Q. 2003. The intellectual content of taxonomy: a comment on DNA taxonomy. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18(2):65-66.
Lydon, S.J., Wood, M. M., Huxley, R., Sutton, D. 2003. Data patterns in multiple botanical descriptions: implications for automatic processing of legacy data. Systematics and Biodiversity. 1(2):151-157.
Minelli, A. 2003. The status of taxonomic literature. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18(2):75-76.
Ronquist, F., Gardenfors, U. 2003. Taxonomy and biodiversity inventories. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18(6):269-270.
Stoeckle, M. 2003. Taxonomy, DNA, and the Bar Code of Life. BioScience. 53(9): 796-797.
Vane-Wright, R. I. 2003. Indifferent Philosophy versus Almighty Authority: on consistency, consensus and unitary taxonomy. Systematics and Biodiversity. 1(1): 3-11.
Basset, Y., Novotny, V., Miller, S.E., Weiblen, G.D., Missa, O., Stewart, A.J.A. 2004. Conservation and biological monitoring of tropical forests: the role of parataxonomists. Journal of Applied Ecology. 41(1):163-174.
Braby, M., Douglas, F. 2004. The taxonomy, ecology and conservation status of the Golden-rayed Blue: a threatened butterfly endemic to western Victoria, Australia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 81:275-299.
Taylor, A. 2004. Taxonomy in support of biodiversity conservation – negotiating the acronym jungle. Systematics and Biodiversity. 2(2):111–112.
Polaszek, A. 2005. A universal register for animal names. Nature. 437(7058):477.
Borrell, B. 2007. Linnaeus at 300: The big name hunters. Nature. 446:253-255.
Friis, E.M., Crane, P. 2007. New home for tiny aquatics. Nature. 446(7133):269-270.
Godfray, H.C.J. 2007.  Linnaeus at 300: Linnaeus in the information age. Nature. 446:259-260.
Knapp, S., Polaszek, A., Watson, M. 2007. Spreading the word. Nature. 446:261-262.
Mallet, J. 2007. Hybrid speciation. Nature. 446(7133):279-283.
Marris, E. 2007. Linnaeus at 300: the species and the specious. Nature. 446(7133):250-253.
Saarela, J.M., Rai, H.S., Doyle, J.A., Endress, P.K., Mathews, S., Marchant, A.D., Briggs, B.G, Graham, S.W. 2007. Hydatellaceae identified as a new branch near the base of the angiosperm phylogenetic tree. Nature. 446(7133):312-315.
Whitfield, J. 2007. Linnaeus at 300: We are family. Nature. 446:247-249.
Unknown. 2007. The legacy of Linnaeus: Taxonomy in an age of transformation. Nature. 446:231-232.

生命条形码 (Barcode of Life)
Tautz, D., Arctander, P., Minelli, A., Thomas, R.H., Vogler, A.P. 2002. DNA points the way ahead in taxonomy. Nature. 418(6897):479.
Andersen, N.M. 2003. Shortcuts in systematics? A commentary on DNA-based taxonomy. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18(3):63-65.
Dunn, C.P. 2003. Keeping taxonomy based in morphology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18:270-271
Hebert, P.D., Ratnasingham S, deWaard Jr. 2003. Barcoding animal life: cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 divergences among closely related species. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B Biol. Sci. 270: 96–99.
Proudlove, G., Wood, P.J. 2003. The blind leading the blind: cryptic subterranean species and DNA taxonomy. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18(6):272-273.
Seberg, O., Humphries, C.J., Knapp, S., Stevenson, D.W., Petersen, G., Scharff, N., Mallet, J., Willmott, K. 2003. Taxonomy: renaissance or Tower of Babel?. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18(2):57-59.
Tautz, D., Arctander, P., Minelli, A., Thomas, R.H., Vogler, A.P. 2003. A plea for DNA taxonomy. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 18(5): 70-74.
Blaxter, M.L. 2004. The promise of a DNA taxonomy. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 359(1444):669-679.
Bock, W. J. 2004. Species: the concept, category and taxon. Journal of Zoological Systematics and. Evolutionary Research 42: 178-190.
Hebert, P.D., Penton, E.H., Burns, J.M., Janzen, D.H., Hallwachs, W. 2004. Ten species in one: DNA barcoding reveals cryptic species in the neotropical skipper butterfly Astraptes fulgerator. Proc Natl Acad Sci U.S.A. 101(41):14812-14817.
Hebert, P.D.N., Stoeckle, M.Y., Zemlak, T.S., Francis, C.M. 2004. A Test Case for DNA Barcodes to Identify Species. PLoS Biol. 2(10): 1505.
Hebert, P.D.N., Stoeckle, M.Y., Zemlak, T.S., Francis, C.M. 2004. Identification of Birds through DNA Barcodes. PLoS Biol. 2(10):e312(1657-1663).
Jenner, R.A. 2004. Accepting Partnership by Submission? Morphological Phylogenetics in a Molecular Millennium. Systematic Biology. 53(10): 333-342.
Lee, M.S.Y. 2004. The molecularisation of taxonomy. Invertebrate Systematics. 18(1):1-6.
Moritz, C., Cicero, C. 2004. DNA barcoding: promise and pitfalls. PLoS Biol. 2(10):e354(1529-1531).
Scoble, M.J. 2004. Unitary or unified taxonomy?. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 359(1444):699-710.
Wheeler, Q.D. 2004. Taxonomic triage and the poverty of phylogeny. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. 359(1444

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